Thursday, October 22, 2009

I wrote this today

In the library. I now am loving the library here. Which is so not surprising; I've always been a library person. I love this library because
a) it has free internet, and i don't feel obligated to buy something to use said free internet
b)it has awesome cds that i can just grab and add to my computer
c) its next to my school and therefore nearby a bus stop
d) it doesn't close for the lunch hours from 2-5 when everything else is closed
e) BOOKS!!!

My family is moving on the 1st of November.

I made a friend who is into ska. My first friend that is actually Spanish! She's completely rad.

I started Yoga and its completely amazing...I feel so good.

I finally understand what resumens are. The literal definition is summary. Everyone writes them of the textbook at home then reads them out during class. They are actually incredibly helpful, and I think I might continue doing them when I get back.

I'm still not used to the 24 hour clock, but I'm trying to train myself.

I wrote this sunday

I bought a pair of pants Saturday afternoon as well. They are a type of pants that are fashionable here, but I haven’t seen them in New York (although ironically enough Michelle told me that just bought several pairs on the Internet the other day). They’re those pants that are skinny in the legs and then the crotch hangs low. Like some guys wear. But they’re made for girls. It’s pretty wonderful.

Why do I think so much about pants?

I’ve become addicted to pears.

School is okay. But it’s difficult. I’m not sure that I will do well. Which sucks.

I’m very homesick.

Also Saturday I went grocery shopping with my family. We bought many sweets. I eat so many sweets here.

Tomorrow I think I will make myself a peanut butter banana sandwich for recreo (break. It’s at 10:30ish. We have three classes before and three after)

Please someone explain what pilates are to me?

Zara is a store in the United States also, right? But I recalled the clothes in Zara in the US kind of sucking. But here Zara is completely fabulous.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I'm reading Nausea by Sartre, and I completely adore it. Its like all the weird experiences that I've been mostly hiding but talking about with a select few since I can remember. And its written completely gorgeously as well.

I've been reading a ton recently, because anything in English is completely welcome and exciting to me.

Apparently my Spanish has improved immensely. I didn't really realize. I've been thinking that its terrible. But Imad(my Spanish father) said that its very noticeably improved.

I lost my converter!!! ahhh!!

Also I've begun to completely loathe American accents. They're nasty.

More later, when I have time, I have to go home and meet Jasmin. We're going shopping. I'm late!