Thursday, October 22, 2009

I wrote this today

In the library. I now am loving the library here. Which is so not surprising; I've always been a library person. I love this library because
a) it has free internet, and i don't feel obligated to buy something to use said free internet
b)it has awesome cds that i can just grab and add to my computer
c) its next to my school and therefore nearby a bus stop
d) it doesn't close for the lunch hours from 2-5 when everything else is closed
e) BOOKS!!!

My family is moving on the 1st of November.

I made a friend who is into ska. My first friend that is actually Spanish! She's completely rad.

I started Yoga and its completely amazing...I feel so good.

I finally understand what resumens are. The literal definition is summary. Everyone writes them of the textbook at home then reads them out during class. They are actually incredibly helpful, and I think I might continue doing them when I get back.

I'm still not used to the 24 hour clock, but I'm trying to train myself.

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