Saturday, September 5, 2009

First Post

Okay so I searched 'Start A Blog' on google. This was the first reasonable looking link. I clicked it, and realized I already had a blog here. With no posts. And extremely odd formating. Fixed it up, and I here I have a blog.

For the most part I'll be posting whatever, whenever I feel like it. But I promise to post updates on what is going on in Spain at least once a week. That is about 18 promised posts (not difficult). I'm hoping by the end I'll be speaking fluent Spanish.

Something uncomfortable I have realized: Everyone I will know for the next 4.5 months I haven't met yet. The people I will live with I know nothing about. Anyone I hug, am friends with, date, kiss.....haven't met or even heard of them yet. It's an odd feeling. whenever I think about it I essentially implode with nerves. I feel like I constantly have a vibrating ball of electricity tightly floating right below my ribcage.

In school I will wear a uniform. I almost feel glad, because although I am a big fan of clothes and dressing up, I honestly have no idea what the social view on my clothing would be. In the USA, I know what is normal and actively choose to ignore it. However, in Spain, I don't, and therefore would never know if what I'm wearing is cool or odd or what, which leaves me in an uncomfortable place of vulnerability about my wardrobe. So I'm glad about uniforms...but I do have to fit everything I'll have for the next 4.5 months in two suitcases and a carry-on, which doesn't feel like enough to me, eternal packrat. Also: all the American books I'll have I have to pack. FUCK! I'm buying all the Vonneguts I haven't read yet and bringing them. I suppose I'll just try and read in Spanish?

I'm scared about making friends.

This is a blank slate, I suppose. And that is a frightening thing. But also, a beautiful thing, full of infinite possibility. At this point, nervousness and excitement have become indistinguishable.

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